On January 20, 2025, Progress Through Innovation successfully conducted a Road Safety Awareness Campaign at
Govt. Jamila Ayeenul Ananda School & College. This impactful two-hour session addressed the critical issue of
road safety, a pressing concern in Bangladesh.
According to the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), Bangladesh has one of the highest road
traffic fatality rates globally. Recognizing the urgent need to combat this alarming trend, the program aimed to
equip students with essential knowledge and skills for navigating roads responsibly and safely.
The session saw active participation from 90 students, who engaged in interactive activities and quizzes to
enhance their understanding of road safety practices. The Headmaster of the school expressed gratitude for this
timely initiative, emphasizing its significance in fostering responsible behavior among young citizens.
During the event, the Executive Directors of Progress Through Innovation highlighted the importance of
understanding traffic signs and raising awareness about road safety.
At the end of the session, students were awarded certificates, symbolizing their commitment to adopting safe
road practices and promoting a culture of road safety within their communities.
This initiative not only educated students but also inspired them to be ambassadors of road safety in their
local areas.
For more information about this program and other initiatives, visit our dedicated platform,
E-Society, at www.esocietybd.com